Two decades and counting…….


Two Decades and counting! Yeah! That’s how it’s !


“Life-long learning gives one infinite benefits and rewards”

I had turned 20 and it really felt good exiting ‘the teenage’! Bygone week has really been filled with lots of surprises.Not just birthday surprises.Lots of pending work was sorted on its own,like it should be!I was just watching and of course enjoying how things unrolled!

Much of fun and frolic. Meow _^


My IV Semester result was out as well and it was pretty fine and I was much happy about it ! My Technical Paper at ASME moved into the final requirements and was accepted for publication at a conference in Montreal,Canada in November 2014. I got the best birthday gift from my Brother who had sent me my favorite team’s official kit (Arsenal) from Frankfurt back home in Delhi! I was at home when the courier came. It was a big box gift wrapped!:) :) Later that evening I went out for dinner and for change slept early at 11 pm :P


It was a time to sit back for a while contemplate,enjoy and celebrate the achievements. =)


Back at university 3rd year had started!


and it was getting busier day by day! I hardly attended any classes though! But it was great to be busy with research work!

I took an off from everything and everyone and had a quality ‘me time’ , which was much-needed! :)



Keeping it short this time!

Will be back with more!

Soon! Signing off

Good day! =)

Love always!



Now read this

“You” in the making! :D

Worth your time! :) “So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?” It’s everyone’s dream to... Continue →